Friday, June 23, 2006

Dear Mr. E
I have just spent some time on your site.
I was not impressed.
You make fun of
The Pope
The Beatles
The Church
and legendary golfer Moe Norman
to name just a few.

When you made fun of mannequins
you went too far.

Certainly you are aware that mannequins play an integral role in driving our economy. They sell shoes, hats, wigs, dresses, swimsuits, pantsuits and lingerie.
Never do they complain.
They are the beautiful and silent champions of our great and thriving Capitalist industry.
Can you imagine where we would be without mannequins gracing our shop windows and fashion departments?
I shudder to think.

You have taken something that represents the very fabric of our proud and powerful institution and you shook it like an old rug.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

(which is something you do not deserve)
Cecilia VanderBoom
Executive Co-Chairperson
Eye on Internet Morality
Equality for Mannequins International