This is the photo of the day
Do you recognize the four ladies
in this photo?
I recognize them.
Until this morning those four ladies
worked for me.
They were the incomparable
Nothing But Nonsense
Photo of the Day Creative Team.
Why is the once-prestigious
Nothing But Nonsense
Photo of the Day Creative Team
smelling armpits you ask?
Are they looking for inspiration?
No they're not looking for inspiration.
They are looking for money.
On Saturday and Sunday
this website had its lowest
internet 'hit' numbers
and lowest ad-click numbers
of all time.
I was forced to fire those ladies
and they all took jobs at
the laboratory down the hall.
Look at the lady
who's second from the front.
That's Gladys.
Guess what Gladys told me
last Tuesday.
She HATES the smell of men.
Look at her face.
She's ready to faint!
Imagine how hard it will be
for Gladys to find the strength
to go to work every day.
The lady in the foreground is Pearl.
Pearl has an underarm fetish.
I'm amazed she worked for me
as long as she did
knowing all along that there was
an underarm-smelling laboratory
down the hall.
The other two ladies
are Agnes and Blanche.
Agnes has ten children
and Blanche has a
$200 a day
Pop Rocks addiction.
It was a sad morning
watching them all leave.
I was able to sneak into the laboratory
just long enough to take this picture.
Today, think of
Gladys, Pearl, Agnes and Blanche.
We should all be
ashamed of ourselves!
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